Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Great tempo run and something new...

Yesterday I started following the Pfitz plan for a 1/2 marathon on up to 30 miles a week. I think I might top out at 35 miles 4 weeks out-- we'll see how it goes. The really nice thing is that it is a 4 day a week plan. So- no more running 5x a week until Boston training starts!

One thing that is different is that the plan gives you LR distance, MR distance, then the distances for your temp and/or speedwork. It is up to you to figure out the warmup/warmdown miles... which is nice.

Yesterday called for a 4M tempo run. Since my 1/2 marathon goal time is 7:40 pace, and my 10K pr pace is 7:12, I split the difference for the pace. Did 1Mwu/1Mwd, and the 4M at tempo were 7:28 average. I could have gone faster during the last two miles particularly, but why?

My left leg is bugging me a bit, and I can't even describe which muscles it is, but has been sore since the 1/2. Hopefully it will feel better. I am commited to stretching...again.

Today I took my 1st Yoga class ever. It was nice, challenging in a wierd way (not cardio of course), but I kept looking at the clock. I bet I'll be sore tomorrow. They have a 9:30 Fitness Yoga class at Healthtrax that I am going to try and make 2x a week if I can on Tuesday/Thursday. I'll do that instead of the Group Power, which I still think has something to do with my knee aches.

Knee feels good! Have another ART session for Friday. Will continue to go as long as I feel good, and insurance will cover it.


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